Celebrate March Madness In Texas On A Budget

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There are all kinds of ways to enjoy the excellent college basketball events featured in March. Here we lay out some tips that you can take advantage of even if you are short on funds.

Host a Potluck

One of the biggest parts of hosting a watch party is the food. And when everything is bigger in Texas, the food better reflect that. Avoid everyone bringing the same bag of chips and container of dip by spending an extra ten minutes to plan what everyone will bring. Ask all your friends and family invited to the party to bring a certain item for a well-balanced potluck.

Buy Tickets in Advance

If your team is playing somewhere close to you and you want to attend, make sure you buy your tickets in advance. This may seem like an obvious way to save money, but it truly can save you some big bucks. If you are committed to attending the same, you must by tickets in advance. If your team doesn’t end up playing in that game due to an unfortunate loss, resell your tickets as soon as you can to make sure you get your money back. This is critical so you don’t have the fund on hand you should see about getting a loan through https://getloanstodayonline.com.

Attending a Game? Eat Before Hand

You managed to snag tickets to the game in Houston, TX, but that won’t be the only money you will be spending. Food at the games can hurt your bank account more than the price of the tickets. Choosing to not eat at the game is hard when pretzels, popcorn and hotdogs are surrounding you. However, if you eat before you come to the game choosing to not eat at the arena will be way easier and your bank account will thank you later.

Attending a Game? Avoid the Parking Pass

Once you’ve purchased your ticket to the game, the next thing it offers you is to purchase a parking pass. A parking pass can be convenient, but is it really worth the extra cash? Many times you can find parking at the houses around the stadium for half the price or if you plan it out you’ll find free parking near the stadium. The free parking may be a bit more of a walk, but why not spend a few extra minutes getting your steps in than spending time stressing about the money you don’t have in you bank account.

Split the Cost of Pay Per View

Many games during March Madness are pay per view. Without having to miss the game, invite a bunch of friends and family over to split the cost of the game. If you split the cost between everyone who is invited most likely it will only cost people around $1 or less. On top of splitting the cost of pay per view, you can also take our other tip and host a potluck. With both tips under your belt, hosting a party for game day will hardly cost you anything.